Sorry I’ve been MIA so long. I started a part time at a craft store, after I was fired from the hotel. I started at the beginning of November, so I had to deal with the holiday’s in retail. That means Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Christmas or for anyone who’s ever worked in retail, ‘retail hell.’ It’s not a joke, it was insane. However, I survived the season and was able to move up to be a key holder and closing manager on duty most nights. That, however, brought on a whole new slew of problems then, especially since I wasn’t really trained correctly, so I keep getting in trouble with the district manager for not doing it to his specifications.

Then this week we have inventory, that means a deep organization of the store so the company who does the inventory can do it as correctly as possible. I worked fourteen hours one day. It was insane. Also, our store manager was fired, so we have other stores managers in to help us.

Since I’ve been working so much at the craft store (which probably wasn’t my best idea. I’m very artsy and have no time,) I haven’t had time to really work on my own event planning business. However, that’s not to say that I haven’t had a small amount of success with it. I signed my first actual client from a bridal show I went too, and I got an actual organic like on my Facebook page, which was exciting. It’s slow, but at least it’s not stalled.

Everyone one seems to really like my services as a day-of coordinator. That’s always the one which gets the most attention at the bridal shows.

Getting My Feet Wet in the Dating World

Then, along with both of those, I’ve started dating again. I regret it sometimes, but I really do want the companionship that comes with having a relationship. It hasn’t been easy or smooth sailing though. I’ve only been testing the waters for a month and I’ve already got two stories from dates.

I’ve never mentioned this, but I’m 5’11”, tall for a women and average for a man. It’s hard for me to find guys that are at least as tall as me or taller. So, I’ve become used to the fact that I may have to date men that are shorter than me. No big deal, I’m taller than most guys. I’ve been taller than most guys since middle school.

One of the dates I went on he mentioned that my height made him feel emasculated once and he mentioned it again in like a five-minute window. That raised some red flags for me. What else could make you feel emasculated? I want to start my own business. What if I start making more money than you? Are you going to feel emasculated then? So, needless to say, I didn’t go on a second date with the guy.

Another guy I went on a date with, was already talking about the future after one date with me, and I’m not talking just general questions, ‘where do you see yourself in the coming year? Five years?’ I’m talking, ‘where do you see yourself in a few years? I see myself married to a nice girl (like you.) A steady job and income, kids and a nice house.’

Needless to say that also raised red flags, especially since I wasn’t even sure we hit it off. I was pretty neutral on how I felt about him. It was definitely something I recognized. A guy who was way more into me than I was into him, and while it didn’t scare me like it would’ve a year ago (Hello maturity!) it was also exasperating.

I wasn’t looking for a guy who was ready to think about the future after one date, I was looking for someone who was willing to live in the here and now with me and seeing where it was going six months down the road. So, I also stopped that one in its tracks. I wasn’t having a repeat of my fiancé debacle. No guy deserves to be led on if you’re not interested in them.

Now I’m at the point of I want to date, because how else am I going to find Mr. Right, but I’m also already tired of dating. I’m still putting myself out there, but I’m a little more picky with who I’m choosing on the apps I’m using.

I’ll keep you updated, (And I’ll try to update more).

Lots of Love,
