Photo Credit: Gabrielle Busseni Photography


That’s me! ↑ Liz. I’m a 24-year-old college graduate, introvert, lover of coffee, tea and sweets (either bought or ones I make myself. I love baking!) I’m muddling my way through life with lots of ups and downs an even trying my hand at running my own business, (it’s slow going.) Sarcasm is my second language (truth; you should hear me with my family.) 

A Little More About Me

A little more about me? I love to dance, primarily ballet and tap. Jazz and hip-hop were a no go, and I wasn’t too bad at lyrical. Right now though, my big thing is learning social dance; primarily swing and ballroom. Nothing will ever beat ballet and tap though, those two are my strong suites. I’m sure I can find some pictures of little me, (I was adorable.)

I’m also all about family. It’s the way I was raised and how I will continue with my own children (when I have them.) My family is small, I only have a younger brother and both my parents. We do a lot of family oriented things, even now that my brother and I are older. My parents always tried to take a family vacation every year. (That’s how we learned I suck at car travel.) I plan to talk about those good memories and my family in general. 

Oh, and that small business I mentioned above. It’s called Simply Coordination, and it’s an event planning and floral design business. It’s a baby, I started it in May of 2018. It’s very slow going and I’ll mention it occasionally, but I’m trying to keep this blog and that business separate (for now.)

My degree is a bachelors of science in Hospitality and Tourism Management with an emphasis in events and hotels, (that small business makes more sense now doesn’t it?) I love helping people and, (call me crazy,) working in customer service. We’re a special breed of people; I actually have a separate personality for my jobs. (Only one, I swear! And it was developed from working in customer service. It’s no joke, we could be in the apocalypse and it wouldn’t phase me.)

Why I Started Blogging

I started blogging because I was tired of working my 9-5 job. I hated it, and I knew I needed out or I was going to go crazy. Yeah, that 9-5 job that I hated; fired me. I’m currently searching for another job, but what my previous job taught me was that I would never be happy until I was working for myself, and I’m going to make it some way. Wish me luck!

My Philosophy

I believe that you can learn a lot from your own mistakes, however, I believe you can learn even more from others. I’m living my life and I’m bringing you along for the ride. My motto for life is ‘I can,’ and I’m going to prove that there’s no limit to what you can do. So head on over and read my posts, (if you haven’t already.)