I have really bad eczema (click here to read more about eczema from the National Eczema Association). It’s itchy, and it’s ugly looking.The picture to the right is one of my legs.

This is actually good right now, it’s not as bad as it has been. A few months earlier it was even worse. My right leg looked like my left and I had it on my arms, from my hands to my armpits. I still get it on my hands occasionally, but it’s gone in a couple days.

I’m not quite sure what I did to get it better. I thought that it was stress related (my last two jobs gave me enough of that,) but now that I’m out of work, my left leg obviously hasn’t cleared up.

I’ve been to a dermatologist, I still go to the dermatologist. According to the dermatologist my skin is missing the lipid layer. The lipid layer is the portion of the skin that keeps in moisture. Since this is missing, I get dry skin easily, which in turn leads to itching. The itching portion isn’t so bad, everyone itches, what causing my eczema to flair up is a bacterium that I have on my skin. This bacterium is the one that causes the flair up.

Which means that if I keep my skin hydrated, I don’t itch, which means that my eczema doesn’t flare up; easier said then done. Since I have a flare up going right now, it’s ten times harder not to itch. I always itch when I have healing cuts anyways. I’m working on not itching and picking at the scabs, but it’s slow going. I catch myself itching unconsciously, and then once I start itching, it’s so hard to stop.

I use antibiotic cream on the open cuts to keep the bacteria from getting in them, and then I use a special cream that helps rebuild my lipid layer recommended by the dermatologist.

It’s an uphill battle, especially since I learned that I have a nickel allergy. Do you know what nickel is in? Everything, literally. I can’t even wear jewelry unless it’s sterling silver or platinum without starting to itch, (yeah, the future fiancé is going to love that, because I am not getting a ring in sterling silver. Too soft.) I can’t wear jeans because if I do, I start getting a breakout on my stomach from the button.

I have changed over to cotton clothes because it’s breathable and if I sweat at all, I start to itch. That’s what originally started it. Having to wear leotards and tights for dance, doesn’t help with sweat. I used to break out behind the knees and on my inner thighs.

It didn’t get bad until Florida though, I am not sure what it is down here, but when I lived in the Midwest I had just the above trouble from dance. Well, that and my hands. My hands were bad, but I also had to handle money for a living and fold sheets. Yeah, both of those dry out your skin quickly, and I have an aversion to anything on my hands. I’ve gotten better, at least I can override the need to wash them immediately, but I still can’t stand it. That makes it very hard to apply lotion or cream, since I hate the feeling on my hands.

Anyways, I’ll keep you updated on my progress with this battle. If you have any ideas for me, on how to clear it up, I’m willing to listen, so drop me a comment below or share your remedies.

